Brain Hacks

Do you know that our brain has several vulnerabilities? Which are these vulnerabilities? Be aware when you notice them or use them. You will find 44 of them in this post.

  1. Ask if Died before or after 90 then ask age (more than if you ask before or after 30).
  2. Nod upwards to make someone think you are their friend.
  3. Watch middle of the forehead to make someone uncomfortable.
  4. Don’t use “could you” but “please do”.
  5. To make someone choose, propose 3 options, the one you want to is the last.
  6. To make someone answer your question don’t talk (silence).
  7. To make someone do something big: “start with this”.
  8. To avoid anxiety when you do new things: admit to the audience is the 1st time.
  9. If you want they say yes just nod your head.
  10. If you want people to be happy when they see you be happy when you see them.
  11. To make people want to have more say you have to go and see you later.
  12. Set meetings at the beginning or at the end of the day.
  13. Halo effect: find similarities with the other person (ex: fishing).
  14. Give a little gift when someone does what you want (chocolate).
  15. If someone interrupts you just keep talking (look in his eyes).
  16. Don’t ask for volunteers, ask for help.
  17. To wake up, put your hands up and say “wooo!!”.
  18. Compliment to avoid fighting.
  19. To get something ask it when he is busy (on the phone).
  20. When you lie don’t argument, look in the eyes and shut.
  21. To remember say something stupid when you do it.
  22. To better handle mistakes: “television was left on” don’t “you left…”.
  23. When you ask for help say “it’s ok if you can’t do it”.
  24. If someone starring at you stare his feet.
  25. Skip Yes/No question a propose options choices.
  26. Doubting about the abilities of someone will double their motivation.
  27. Shake with hot hands.
  28. Someone that will explain you will feel superior to you (so he will like you).
  29. Act disappointed when you want to have a better offer.
  30. Nod, smile and touch the arm of someone to make him more friendly (not too much).
  31. To trick your brain you are well rested say you slept well.
  32. Say “87% of people who live 2nd take the stairs instead of the elevator”.
  33. To make someone believe you say a figure of authorities you know told you.
  34. To get rid of a song in your head sing the end of the song.
  35. When people laughing each person will look toward who they believe the leader.
  36. People are less rude when they see themselves in a mirror.
  37. If you want to know if someone is staring you just yawn, it is contagious.
  38. Tack on an embarrassing detail to the end of your lie (spilled coffee when late).
  39. When you lose ask your opponent: “how are you doing so well?”
  40. Flattery will distract him.
  41. To win long term argument stay calm remain silent wait opponent gets angry and raise voice so you win.
  42. When you meet someone for the first time find something in common to have a better halo effect.
  43. Chewing gum will increase concentration short term.
  44. To make people friendly ask pen and give them back: trust will increase.
  45. To fit in a group, mimic gestures, words etc.
  46. False dilemmas: ask “Would you rather help me X or Y?” Instead of “Would you help me?”.
  47. Tell something personal about you, pause some second, the other person will tell you something personal.

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